Tuesday 8 October 2013

Reflection on Leveraging Tribe for Self Actualization

I have finally watched and listened to the video and below I give some of my thoughts and ideas that came from the video.
First off the video can be watched here

Over the last year I have been trying to build a PLN using curation through Scoop.It and through my blog at www.teflideas.co.uk I also have a  facebook page and on Twitter.

Each of these areas have benefits but after watching the video I have begun to understand why I have felt that my PLN was a bit like watching someone else's conversation. I have found interaction and commitment to a goal through my PLN difficult. I freely accept that most of the problem is mine and my reluctance to "put myself out there" but from the video it is clear to me that it is that next step that I want and need.

Have I got the knowledge and skills to talk with some of the eminent minds in our industry I'm not sure but I now have a clear goal of what I want my PLN/community to be.

So to answer Dr. Nellie's question:
What did I get from the video?
I now have a clearer idea of what I want to contribute as well as acquire in terms of ideas and knowledge. I now understand on a different level where I want my PLN to take me.


  1. So I would love to get specific with you around these goals. Where is it you'd like your PLN to take you? What is the end goal or the journey? What does it look like?

    I am interested in your ideas and goals.

    1. Thanks Sheryl for taking the time to read and reply to my musings.
      Fist I think the word goal was a bit strong. I had heard people talk about their PLN and I wanted one as well. I followed some people took a couple of courses and started reading all I could mainly in the area of technology in education.
      At this point I had little idea what I hoped to get from all of this. What I did get were lots of ideas and suggestions from people working together and sharing material. It was exciting and exhilarating. My problem was I had nowhere to really test the ideas and little opportunity to experiment in my classes.
      What I did was to start curating other peoples posts and commenting on them and in many instances using the technology myself. Occasionally I had the opportunity to try simple things out in class.
      At this point I felt OK pottering about in the shallow end of the pool. Reading the big ideas from the great minds of our industry.
      Then I took the Vocabulary - T MOOC here at WizIq in August and there were all these ordinary teachers doing extraordinary things in their classrooms. At that point it was clear to me that technology of itself was only a small part of a much greater movement within education to fundamentally change how teaching is delivered.
      That is the point I am at now. I would like to learn more and share more but I feel as if I have little of worth to share. I feel as if the parade is passing me by and to some extent what I wanted from a PLN was the tools to play a bigger part in things. Now I am all too aware that I have to put myself out there but it is a bit scary and it is easier to stay in the shallow end.
      I'm not sure if any of this makes sense or answers your question but your presentation made it clear to me that I need to be prepared to get more involved with other teachers and share ideas. Since your presentation I have been thinking of trying to set up some kind of connected group here in Malta but I am not sure what the next step might be.
      Any way thanks for a great presentation.

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